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Mogadishu Soldier (2016)


1 t, 24 min

Siden 2006 har de radikale islamistene fra Al-Shabaab kjempet for å styrte den somaliske regjeringen. Under FN-flagg er Den afrikanske union nå engasjert i et fredsbevarende oppdrag (AMISOM) med soldater fra Burundi og Uganda. Disse troppene kjemper mot Al-Shabaab i sentrum av Mogadishu, Somalias hovedstad, med en befolkning på to millioner. Regi: Torstein Grude

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For ten years the radical Islamist group Al-Shabaab has fought against the Federal Government of Somalia. The battles mostly take place in the capital Mogadishu, where the the United Nations has organized and financed a peacekeeping force consisting of soldiers from Burundi and Uganda.

In the documentary MOGADISHU SOLDIER, award-winning director Torstein Grude from Norway have given two of the peacekeeping soldiers a camera. The soldiers are documenting the life in the battle zone – the companionship in the camp, the brutal battles in the field and the interactions with the Somali locals. Small video recording cassettes with written descriptions guides us through the material, which is utterly raw and unfiltered.

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